Tuesday, August 25, 2009

red candle

Today I learned I would have a procedure (medically). I might live...probably will not but who cares. I must wait some time to have this thing happen and I don't like it one bit. This candle hes nothing to do with me . I thought it would be a good subject for a 4"x6" water color. I hope you like it. I do have one rant though....why is it that some states require health insurance companys to cover outside of deductables or co-pay the cost of diagnostic procedures and some don't. I think I know why. In ohio the legislature is owned by the insurance companys. Insurance companys would rather not cover this little gift from God because the few positive results found by emergency rooms is cheaper than the cost checking so many people. What they don't understand is if everyone was checked for free or at a nominal price the cost of these procedures would be reduced to such a small price it would save them millions of dollars in claims. This is why I would like the federal government to have a larger role in funding the medical business.

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